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All Istat statistical production processes documented in the system are listed. It is possible to perform simple searches for substring words in the "Process name" field, or to perform advanced searches (for substring words, words or derived words) on the other characteristics of the production process. Some filters to restrict the resulting lists are also available.
Status ActiveSuspendedCeasedAll
Type of process Primary SurveyStatistical CompilationInformative system
 Legenda for processes: [S] Primary Survey [C] Statistical Compilation [I] Informative system 
Status: Active - Temporary suspended - Ceased 
Number of processes: 452 
 [C] –  Intercensal register population estimates
 [C] – Absolute poverty
 [C] – Acquisitions of citizenship
 [S] – Administrative dispute resolution proceedings - Tar (Regional administrative court)
 [C] – Administrative dispute resolution proceedings at the Court of Accounts
 [S] – Adoption applications
 [S] – Adult Education Survey (AES)
 [I] – Agriculture and livestock
 [C] – Agri-food industry budget
 [C] – Air Emissions Accounts
 [S] – Air transport
 [C] – Annual register on earnings, hours and labour cost for jobs and enterprises
 [S] – Anthropic pressure and natural risks
 [C] – Audio and audiovisuals
 [C] – Balance of detainees and inmates in detention institutions
 [S] – Balance sheet of public and private bodies/institutions
 [C] – Banks and monetary and financial market
 [C] – Base Register on Individuals and Households
 [S] – Business confidence survey in Construction
 [S] – Business confidence survey in retail trade
 [S] – Business confidence survey in Services
 [S] – Business confidence survey in the manufacturing sector
 [C] – Business Demography and Entrepreneurship Indicators
 [C] – Calculation of changes in stocks
 [S] – Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
 [S] – Census of non-profit institutions and enterprises as of 31 December 1999
 [S] – Census of short university courses graduates
 [S] – Census of University graduates
 [S] – Centralized consumer price survey
 [S] – Certificates of balance sheet accounts of a sample of municipalities
 [C] – Characteristics of retail trade enterprises
 [C] – Characteristics of services enterprises
 [C] – City Statistics
 [S] – Civil proceedings and other activities - Juvenile Court
 [C] – Civil proceedings at judicial offices
 [C] – Civil proceedings at the office of Justice of the Peace
 [S] – Civil proceedings started, concluded and pending in judicial offices and related provisions
 [S] – Closed bankruptcies
 [S] – Community innovation survey
 [C] – Compensation of employees, wages and salaries and social security contributions
 [C] – Comportamenti, percezioni ed opinioni della popolazione nei confronti dell'ambiente
 [C] – Construction cost indices for residential buildings
 [C] – Construction cost indices for road stretch
 [C] – Constuction cost indices for industrial warehouses
 [S] – Consumer Confidence Survey
 [S] – Consumer price data collection by scanner data
 [S] – Consumer price data collection on the net by webscapring
 [C] – Consumer price index by population subgroups
 [C] – Consumer price index for blue and white-collar worker households
 [C] – Consumer price index for the whole nation
 [S] – Consumer price territorial data collection
 [S] – Consumer prices for Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
 [C] – Conti economici delle famiglie e delle Istituzioni sociali private
 [C] – Conti economici delle società finanziarie e non finanziarie
 [C] – Conto satellite del turismo
 [C] – Conto satellite dell'agricoltura
 [S] – Contractual wages and labour cost at provincial level of workers employed in construction
 [C] – Costruzione di un panel di microdati sui conti economici delle imprese
 [S] – Council of Administrative Justice of Sicily Region
 [S] – Council of State - balance of proceedings related to administrative disputes
 [C] – Crimes reported to the Judicial authorities by the State Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza
 [C] – Criminal proceedings and other activities at judicial offices
 [S] – Cultivated area and production of rice
 [S] – Cultivated area and production of tobacco
 [C] – Cultivated area and production of tobacco, rice and sugarbeet roots collected by sugar factories
 [C] – Day-time population for study and work
 [S] – Deaths of resident population
 [C] – Demographic forecasting
 [C] – Detenuti adulti e minori nel sistema penitenziario
 [S] – Diary of the day and activities in the time of coronavirus
 [I] – Disability in figures
 [S] – Dispatch/arrival of goods with EU Countries (Intrastat System)
 [C] – Drug addicts detained in correctional and penal institutions
 [C] – Economic account of the ROW (Rest of the World)
 [C] – Economic accounts and aggregates of public administrations
 [S] – Economic outcomes of agricultural holdings
 [C] – Election statistics
 [S] – Entities in charge of water supply
 [C] – Environmental goods and services sector accounts
 [C] – Environmental taxes by economic activities
 [S] – Equipment goods survey (EG)
 [C] – Equitable and sustainable well-being (BES) measures
 [C] – Equitable and sustainable well-being (BES) measures at local level
 [S] – Establishment survey - Business Census
 [S] – Establishment survey - Non profit Institutions Census
 [S] – Establishment survey - Public Institutions Census
 [S] – Estimate of flower and pot plant production and area
 [S] – Estimate of crop, flower and pot plant production and area
 [S] – Estimate of crop production and area
 [S] – Estimate of livestock population and of milk and wool production
 [C] – Estimate of university research and development activities
 [C] – Estimates of pension entitlements in social insurance
 [S] – European community household panel
 [S] – European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)
 [S] – European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
 [S] – Execution measures: individual records
 [C] – Exports and imports of main countries, geographic and geoeconomic areas
 [C] – External trade by province of origin and destination of goods
 [C] – External trade indices
 [C] – External trade of alive animals
 [S] – Extra-judicial forms of justice: ombudsman
 [S] – Fellings and wood removals from forest
 [S] – Final balance sheet of autonomous regions and provinces
 [C] – Final balance sheet of mountain communities
 [C] – Final balance sheet of municipalities
 [S] – Final balance sheet of provinces
 [C] – Final balance sheet of provinces
 [S] – Final balance sheet of social security funds
 [C] – Final balance sheet of union of municipalities
 [S] – Final balance sheet of universities
 [S] – Final balance sheets of agencies for the right to university study
 [C] – Final balance sheets of local governments
 [C] – Flows of minors into and out of juvenile detention centres
 [C] – Flows of minors into and out of rehabilitation institutions run by or under contract with juvenile justice administration
 [C] – Foreign trade in goods and business structural of exporting and importing interprises
 [S] – Forest fires
 [C] – Formazione post-laurea
 [S] – Gender role stereotypes and the social image of violence
 [S] – General Census of Agriculture
 [S] – General Census of Industry and Services
 [S] – General Population and Housing Censuses
 [C] – General report on the country's economic situation
 [C] – Government expenditure by function according to Classification of the Functions of Government - COFOG
 [S] – Graduates vocational integration
 [S] – Gross contractual wages, length of work contract and yearly wages and salaries on an accrual basis
 [C] – Gross fixed capital formation
 [C] – Harmonized index of consumer prices
 [C] – Harmonized index of consumer prices at constant tax rates
 [C] – Higher Technical Institutes (ITSs)
 [C] – Hospital facilities and activities
 [S] – Hotels
 [C] – Hours of short-time allowance granted by the National social security institute (Inps)
 [S] – House prices survey (OOH)
 [S] – Household Budget Survey
 [S] – Household Budget Survey (1997-2013)
 [C] – Household consumption
 [S] – Household energy consumption
 [C] – Households' socio-economic conditions
 [S] – Implementation of high school graduate frame
 [S] – Implementation of statistical archives prototype for Non profit Institutions
 [C] – Implementazione della definizione di impresa - profiling delle imprese
 [S] – Indagine sugli alunni con patologie croniche e sulla somministrazione di farmaci a scuola
 [C] – Indicators on cultural institutions and activities
 [C] – Indice dei prezzi alla produzione delle costruzioni
 [S] – Industrial production - Intermediate consumption (pilot survey)
 [S] – Infringements of laws for forest conservation
 [C] – Institutional units belonging to the General Government sector
 [C] – Integrated municipal daily mortality database
 [C] – International comparisons in education (Eurostat - OECD - Unesco)
 [S] – International outsourcing- mode and dynamic of active internationalization of Italian enterprises
 [S] – International Sourcing
 [C] – Investments, production and value added - construction
 [S] – Iron and steel production
 [C] – Italy’s Economic Outlook
 [S] – Labour cost survey
 [S] – Labour force survey
 [C] – Labour input
 [S] – Land mapping update for 2010-2011 Censuses
 [C] – Land surface area by altitude
 [C] – Land surface area by seismic hazard
 [C] – Libraries
 [S] – Library survey
 [S] – Live births registered in the population register
 [C] – Livelli retributivi e coefficienti di rivalutazione per le retribuzioni di alcuni comparti nel pubblico impiego
 [S] – Livestock statistics on bovine, pigs, sheep and goats
 [C] – Local labour systems
 [C] – Lower secondary (public and private) school census
 [C] – Main meteorological phenomena and temperature and rainfall data
 [S] – Maritime transport
 [S] – Marriage dissolution and termination of marriage civil effects (divorces)
 [S] – Marriages
 [C] – Material flow accounts
 [S] – Meteo-climatic and hydrological survey
 [C] – MIcro DEmographic Accounting (MIDEA) / ANagrafic VIrtual Statistical (ANVIS)
 [S] – Migration and calculation of foreign resident population and structure by citizenship
 [S] – Migration and calculation of monthly resident population
 [S] – Migration and calculation of yearly resident population
 [C] – Military justice data
 [C] – Minors in first reception centres
 [S] – Minors reported for crimes
 [C] – Minors undergoing criminal proceedings placed in the custody of child protection services
 [C] – Misure sulla fecondità
 [C] – Monitoraggio del settore pubblico e del settore delle amministrazioni pubbliche
 [C] – Monitoraggio ed elaborazione delle informazioni sul partenariato pubblico privato (PPP)
 [C] – Monthly elaboration on motor fuel retail trade index
 [C] – Monthly employment and unemployment (provisional estimates)
 [S] – Monthly statistics on slaughtered livestock
 [S] – Monthly statistics on slaughtered poultry
 [S] – Monthly survey of producer prices
 [S] – Monthly survey on construction costs of residential buildings
 [S] – Monthly survey on employment, working time, earnings and labour cost in large enterprises
 [S] – Monthly survey on industrial production
 [S] – Monthly survey on iron and steel industry ouput
 [S] – Monthly survey on labour disputes
 [S] – Monthly survey on milk and dairy products
 [S] – Monthly survey on prices of products purchased and sold by farmers
 [S] – Monthly survey on producer prices for industrial products sold on the domestic market
 [S] – Monthly survey on producer prices for industrial products sold on the external market
 [S] – Monthly survey on retail sales
 [S] – Monthly survey on sales
 [S] – Monthly survey on sea fishery products caught outside Mediterranean sea
 [C] – Mortality tables of Italian population by region
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on families: family and social subjects
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: aspects of daily life - general part
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: citizens and leisure time
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: condition and social integration of foreign citizens
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: feedback survey on job routes under a gender perspective
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: health conditions and use of medical services
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: safety of citizens
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: safety of women
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: time use
 [S] – Multipurpose survey on households: trips, holidays and daily life
 [S] – Municipal monthly survey on events of civil status
 [S] – Municipal resident foreign population by sex and year of birth
 [C] – Museums and other cultural institutions
 [C] – Non-financial assets by institutional sector
 [C] – Notary activity
 [C] – Nowcast system for demographic indicators
 [S] – Occupancy in collective accomodation establishments
 [S] – Opened bankruptcies
 [S] – Ordinary proceedings concluded by sentence
 [S] – OROS Survey
 [S] – Permanent census of enterprises - Sample survey
 [S] – Permanent census of population and housing
 [S] – Permanent Census on public institutions
 [S] – Permanent censuses of economic units - Sample survey on non profit institutions
 [C] – Permits of stay to foreigners
 [S] – Persons convicted for crime with irrevocable judgement
 [S] – Persons convicted for misdemeanour with irrevocable judgement
 [S] – Persons registered in and cancelled from the population register due to change of residence
 [S] – PhD graduates census
 [S] – PhD graduates vocational integration
 [C] – Physical Energy Flow Accounts (Pefa)
 [C] – Precarious work
 [C] – Pre-primary (public and private) school census
 [C] – Price index for products purchased by farmers
 [C] – Price index for products sold by farmers
 [C] – Primary (public and private) school census
 [C] – Processing of data from the Agency for environmental protection and technical services (Apat) on waste production and collection
 [C] – Processing of financial enterprise balances
 [C] – Processing of hospital discharge data
 [C] – Production and value added for agriculture, fishery and silviculture
 [C] – Production and value added for energy sector
 [C] – Production and value added for financial intermediation services
 [C] – Production and value added for manufacturing
 [C] – Production and value added for market services
 [C] – Production and value added for non-market services
 [C] – Production index - construction
 [C] – Production price index for industrial products
 [C] – Production subsidies, taxes on production and imports, value added tax
 [S] – Protests
 [C] – Provisional accounts of agriculture, income of agricultural households in rural areas
 [S] – Provisional estimate on enterprise value added
 [S] – Public works and works of public utility
 [C] – Quarterly accounts
 [C] – Quarterly and Annual Sector Accounts
 [S] – Quarterly labour force survey
 [C] – Quarterly national accounts labour input by economic activity
 [C] – Quarterly non-financial accounts for General Government
 [C] – Quarterly non-financial sector accounts
 [S] – Quarterly road accidents survey
 [S] – Quarterly survey on industrial production (Prodcom) - Chemical products and manufacture of synthetic fibres
 [S] – Quarterly survey on industrial production (Prodcom) - Textile industry and manufacture of wearing apparel
 [S] – Quarterly survey on job vacancies and hours worked
 [S] – Quarterly survey on services producer prices
 [S] – Quick survey on building permits
 [S] – Quick survey on hospital discharges
 [S] – Quick survey on induced abortions
 [S] – Quick survey on notifications of infectious diseases
 [S] – Quick survey on women discharged after miscarriage
 [C] – Rail transport
 [C] – Recreation and sport activities
 [C] – Regional accounts
 [C] – Regional Accounts (NUTS level 2 and 3)
 [C] – Regional disposable income of Households
 [C] – Regional fertility tables
 [C] – Regional labour input estimation
 [S] – Regional purchasing power parities
 [S] – Regional-funded vocational training courses
 [C] – Register of the main economic variables of enterprises (FRAME-SBS)
 [C] – Registration of new vehicles in the motor vehicle register
 [C] – Registro delle imprese ASIA - Stima anticipata delle imprese con dipendenti
 [C] – Registro delle istituzioni non profit
 [C] – Registro statistico delle imprese agricole (ASIA - Agricoltura)
 [C] – Relative poverty
 [S] – Reported crimes for which the Judicial authorities have started criminal proceedings
 [C] – Reporting of Government Deficits and Debt Levels (Excessive Deficit Procedure - EDP)
 [S] – Resident municipal population by age, sex and marital status
 [S] – Residential health care facilities
 [C] – Retail trade of EU countries
 [S] – Rilevazione di Informazioni, Dati e Documenti necessari alla Classificazione di Unità Economiche nei settori istituzionali stabiliti dal SEC 2010
 [S] – Rilevazione flussi intragruppo dei principali gruppi di imprese per l'implementazione dell'Action Plan SBS
 [S] – Rilevazione sugli elementi identificativi, risorse e attività degli uffici di statistica del Sistan (Eup)
 [S] – Rilevazione sul Sistema dei conti delle grandi imprese
 [S] – Rilevazione sulle catene globali del valore e sull'internazionalizzazione delle imprese (GVC)
 [S] – Rilevazione sulle piccole e medie imprese e sull'esercizio di arti e professioni
 [S] – Road freight transport
 [C] – Road network
 [C] – Sales of tobacco and matches
 [S] – Sample survey on births
 [S] – Sample survey on drinkable water supply, sewerage and cleaning service
 [S] – Sampling survey on coverage and quality of agricultural holdings frame prototype
 [C] – School education and training
 [S] – Seed supply survey
 [S] – Semi-super and supercentenarians survey
 [S] – Separation of spouses
 [S] – Shaping Census Areas for Municipalities with more than 20.000 inhabitants
 [C] – Short university courses
 [C] – Sistema di elaborazioni e stime sulla popolazione straniera residente anche ai fini del REGOLAMENTO (CE) N. 862/2007
 [C] – Sistema informativo FRAME territoriale
 [S] – Small and medium enterprise survey -SME (including professional and artistic activities)
 [S] – Small enterprise survey (including professional and artistic activities)
 [S] – Social inclusion of people with functional limitations
 [C] – Social protection accounts by function and scheme (ESSPROS)
 [C] – Social protection economic account and social benefits
 [S] – Socio-educational services for infancy
 [S] – Spatial Indices of consumer prices
 [S] – Special trade extra EU import-export
 [C] – Statistical register of active enterprises (ASIA - Enterprises)
 [C] – Statistical register of enterprise groups
 [C] – Statistical register of enterprises' occupation (ASIA - Employment)
 [C] – Statistical register of Local Units (ASIA - LU)
 [S] – Statistics by product (Prodcom)
 [S] – Statistics on book production
 [S] – Statistics on extreme poverty
 [S] – Statistics on social security and welfare - Beneficiaries of pensions
 [S] – Statistics on social security and welfare - Pensions
 [C] – Stima annuale e trimestrale dei flussi con l'estero
 [C] – Stima di indicatori trimestrali sulle ore lavorate
 [S] – Structural statistics on business services
 [S] – Structure of Earnings Survey
 [C] – Structure of retail sale stores
 [C] – Students by academic year and graduates by calendar year
 [C] – Studi e misure dell'economia non osservata
 [S] – Sugarbeet roots collected by sugar factories
 [S] – Suicides and attempted suicides
 [C] – Surface of protected areas
 [S] – Survey municipality population registers
 [S] – Survey of the economic accounts of the enterprises including professional and artistic activities
 [S] – Survey on prices of products sold by farmers
 [S] – Survey on abroad foreign affiliates activities controlled by Italy (Outward Fats)
 [S] – Survey on address numbers
 [S] – Survey on afforestation, deforestation, forest restoration
 [S] – Survey on agencies managing water services
 [S] – Survey on agricultural holding structure and output
 [S] – Survey on anti-violence center
 [S] – Survey on aqueducts
 [S] – Survey on behaviours, attitudes and future plans of children and young people
 [S] – Survey on building permits
 [S] – Survey on building workers' welfare funds
 [S] – Survey on Civil Partnerships
 [S] – Survey on discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin
 [S] – Survey on drinkable water supply networks
 [S] – Survey on drinkable water supply, sewerage and cleaning survey
 [S] – Survey on educational and professional routes of upper secondary graduates
 [S] – Survey on enterprise accounting system
 [S] – Survey on Enterprises Final Consumption of Energy Products (COEN)
 [S] – Survey on felling surfaces and wood and not wood removals from forest
 [S] – Survey on final balance sheet of public bodies: institutions for public housing
 [S] – Survey on final balance sheet of public bodies/institutions: chambers of commerce
 [S] – Survey on final balance sheet of public bodies/institutions: mountain communities
 [S] – Survey on final balance sheets of scientific hospitals for research, hospitalisation and health care and State University hospitals
 [S] – Survey on fishing in lakes and artificial basins
 [S] – Survey on forecasting of some herbal crops sowing
 [S] – Survey on fundations
 [S] – Survey on hospital discharges after miscarriage
 [S] – Survey on import price
 [S] – Survey on income and living conditions in immigrant families
 [S] – Survey on induced abortions
 [S] – Survey on information and communication technology in enterprises
 [S] – Survey on information and communication technology in financial intermediation enterprises
 [S] – Survey on information and communication technology in public administrations
 [S] – Survey on insolvency proceedings (deeds of arrangements, compulsory winding-ups, temporary receiverships)
 [S] – Survey on integration of students with disability in private and public primary and lower secondary schools
 [S] – Survey on labour, welfare and social security disputes
 [S] – Survey on lagoon and sea fishery product sales
 [S] – Survey on lagoon and sea fishery products
 [S] – Survey on museums, monuments and similar institutions
 [S] – Survey on notifications of infectious diseases
 [S] – Survey on occupations
 [S] – Survey on permanent crops
 [S] – Survey on plant protection products provided for agricultural use
 [S] – Survey on prices of products purchased by farmers for specific monthly indices
 [S] – Survey on production and supply of complete and complementary feeding stuff
 [S] – Survey on provincial wages and salaries of agricultural workers
 [S] – Survey on quality products PDO, PGI and TSG
 [S] – Survey on rail transport
 [S] – Survey on R&D expenditure prediction of autonomous regions and provinces
 [S] – Survey on reared worm-seed and produced silkworm cocoons
 [S] – Survey on Research and Development in enterprises
 [S] – Survey on Research and Development in non-profit private institutions
 [S] – Survey on Research and Development in the public bodies/institutions
 [S] – Survey on road accidents resulting in death or injury
 [S] – Survey on rural tourism accommodations
 [S] – Survey on services to IT companies
 [S] – Survey on sewerage networks
 [S] – Survey on Shelter homes
 [S] – Survey on social actions and services of single and associated municipalites
 [S] – Survey on social cooperatives
 [S] – Survey on social security - beneficiaries of disability, old age and survivor's pensions
 [S] – Survey on telecommunication
 [S] – Survey on the activities of foreign controlled enterprises resident in Italy
 [S] – Survey on the integration of the second generations of immigrants
 [S] – Survey on the size of aviculture and rabbit farms
 [S] – Survey on the supply of fertilizers for agricultural use (fertilizers, soil conditioners and improvers)
 [S] – Survey on the use of plant protection products for crops
 [S] – Survey on turnover in the services
 [S] – Survey on urban waste water cleaning plants
 [S] – Survey on vocational training in enterprises
 [S] – Survey on voluntary organisations
 [C] – Sviluppo di modelli di microsimulazione per la valutazione di politiche pubbliche sulle famiglie
 [C] – Sviluppo di modelli di microsimulazione per la valutazione di politiche pubbliche sulle imprese
 [C] – System of Health Accounts (SHA)
 [C] – Tavole delle risorse e degli impieghi a prezzi correnti
 [C] – Tavole delle risorse e degli impieghi ai prezzi dell'anno precedente
 [C] – Tavole input-output
 [S] – Teacher research activities
 [C] – Territorial indexes on endowment and functionality on infrastructures
 [C] – Territorial indicators for development policies
 [S] – Territory and name variation of municipalities
 [C] – Territory variations, name of municipalities, calculation of municipal areas
 [C] – Testing on the use of mobile phone data to estimate mobility flows
 [C] – The help line 1522
 [S] – Timber assortments' market prices at farm (forestry) level
 [C] – Treasury summary
 [S] – Trips and holidays survey
 [C] – Turnover of wholesale trade enterprises and trade intermediaries of EU countries
 [S] – University and upper secondary schools (final data)
 [C] – University degree courses
 [C] – University teaching and non-teaching staff
 [C] – Updating, improving and enlarging the data bank of municipalities' indicators
 [S] – Updating of Business Register
 [S] – Updating of data bank "waste water treatment plants"
 [S] – Updating of the statistical register of economic units ASIA - Local units
 [S] – Upper secondary graduates vocational integration
 [C] – Upper secondary (public and private) school census
 [S] – Urban environmental data
 [S] – Urban water census
 [S] – Use of grape production
 [S] – Use of water resources
 [C] – Use of water resources
 [C] – Value of currency in Italy
 [S] – Variation of municipal areas
 [C] – Vehicle fleet
 [S] – Vital statistics on causes of death
 [S] – Welfare services and social actions of provincial authorities
 [S] – Wildlife farms, restocking areas, wildlife sanctuaries, hunting
 [S] – Wood removals outside forest and forest non-wood products
 [S] – Yearly survey of livestock slaughtering
 [S] – Yearly survey on milk and dairy products
 [S] – Yearly survey on structural characteristics of iron and steel industry
 [S] – Young plants in nurseries managed by regions or delegate bodies