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[S] - Gross contractual wages, length of work contract and yearly wages and salaries on an accrual basis
Description Statistics from this survey refer to a concept of labour price. For each nation-wide collective agreement, the number of employees and their composition by specific wage level (combined with indications for seniority, skill, estimation about shift work) are fixed at a base year and remain constant until the renewal of base has been done. Employees exclude apprentices and managers. The base used now is December 2021=100 Moreover, these indicators are not influenced by changes due to overtime, worked hours or not worked for strikes or worker's illness. Istat produces two type of statistics on wages according to collective agreements: monthly index (IRC) and annual figures (RCA). Both indicators include basic pay, seniority and shift work allowance, all bonuses specified in national agreements and payable to all workers as well as those paid periodically (e.g. the 13th month). Bonuses related to individual performance or individual working conditions, supplementary payment agreed at the company or local level are not included. Monthly index excludes also bonuses-arrears and una tantum paid in late, but these two items are included in the annual wage figures (retribuzione annua di competenza o di cassa). Wages include tax and social security contributions paid by employees. The monthly index is calculated dividing by 12 the annual figures for each group of qualifications in the collective agreement. It shows the evolution of full-time employees' wages according to collective agreement and to law in force. General index is calculated each month as the average of the increase sets in each collective agreement signed in the national territory. The figures are derived from a selection of the most relevant nation-wide collective bargaining agreements on wages between labour unions and employers' associations. Every month the press release "Contratti collettivi e retribuzioni contrattuali" publishes two wage indices in national labour agreements: per capita and per hour. Per capita index measures the change in the collectively agreed annual wages compared to the base year. Hourly index measures the change of the wages per unit of time (annual earnings divided by the total number of working hours in the year). Annual figures are in terms of accrual or cash values. The first one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di competenza) is the annual wage amount that employees would earn each year if the National Collective Agreement came in force on time. This remuneration assigns backdated una tantum and arrears payments to the theoretical relative month.
Eurostat type of process classification Statistical process using administrative source
First production year 1982