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[S] - Consumer prices for Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
Description The Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) survey (IST-00107) is aimed at building a price indicator to make comparable the econimic aggregates of the GDP in the european countries (27 EU countries, 3 candidate countries, 3 EFTA countries). Since 2007, the indicator is published also for the 4 Balcanic countries. The survey is divided into two parts direct survey and elaborations of data from different sources: - direct survey of prices for the aggregate final consumption of households (excluding rents), and gross fixed capital formation; - elaboration of scanner data regarding the aggregates of household final consumption: food and beverage products; personal care products; household care products and articles; technological products; - elaboration of data of survey on wages (IRC) for the final consumption of general government; - elaboration of data of Household Budget Survey (HBS) for the rents of households; - elaboration of data of NIC / FOI / HICP for the consumer price indices and spatial adjustment factors; - elaboration of data from administrative sources (Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education) for energy services, health services and public education; - elaboration of data of National Accounts (NA) with regard to VAT, tips, weights for the elementary components (Basic Heading) for the calculation of purchasing power parities. PPPs are used to generate the price and volume indices needed for economic research and policy analysis that involves inter-country comparisons of GDP and GDP expenditures. The volume indices are used to compare the size of economies and their levels of material well-being, consumption, investment, government expenditure and overall productivity. The price indices are used to compare price levels, price structures, price convergence and competitiveness. 1. Purchasing power parities (EU28=1) 2. Price level indices (EU28=100) 3. Nominal expenditure in national currency 4. Nominal expenditure (in euro) 5. Nominal expenditure per inhabitant (in euro) 6. Real expenditure (in PPS_EU28) 7. Real expenditure per capita (in PPS_EU28) 8. Volume indices of real expenditure per capita in PPS (EU28=100)
Eurostat type of process classification Price and other economic index process
First production year 1996
Questionnaire Questionario Long Form since 31/12/2019
Questionario Short Form since 31/12/2019