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[C] - Sviluppo di modelli di microsimulazione per la valutazione di politiche pubbliche sulle famiglie
Description Using FaMiMod, a microsimulation model, Istat estimates the distributional effects of legislative measures on household and individual incomes. The model replicates the tax and benefit system for a representative sample of households that are residents of Italy. FaMiMod is based on the joint use of administrative data from the Ministry of Finance and the Istat survey on income and living conditions (Eu-Silc). FaMiMod belongs to the class of static microsimulation models, which estimate the "impact" effects of policies other things being equal. Thus, possible changes in individuals' behavior induced by variations in regulation (e.g., a reduction in labor supply caused by a tax increase) are ignored. The estimation of effects consists of the difference between individual and/or household incomes in two alternative scenarios, describing the distribution of incomes before and after a reform, such as a change in income tax rates and income brackets or a redefinition of the amounts of child allowances. The model allows to simulate the ex ante effects of reforms. FaMiMod integrates the database and constantly updates it in order to take into account the changes that have occurred in the passage from time T, i.e. the income reference year, to time T+j, which represents the current year. In particular, the update consists of: (i) the forward projection of monetary variables, on the basis of the most recent macroeconomic data (from National Accounts or forecasts made with ISTAT's macroeconometric model, MeMo-It); (ii) the reweighting, with reference to the most recent known population totals by sex and age and by professional conditions (employed, dependent, self-employed and unemployed) in the different geographical areas; (iii) the updating of the legislation in order to provide a baseline scenario that includes all of the policies in force.
Eurostat type of process classification Statistical compilation other than National Account
First production year 2012