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[S] - Monthly survey on industrial production
Description The survey, aimed exclusively at industries belonging to economic activity sections B, C and D, describes the trend of production activity in Italy through the detection of production volumes. The monthly survey on industrial production is carried out directly at a longitudinal panel of companies usually with more than 20 employees who communicate the monthly production volumes relating to a basket of elementary products. Starting from the indices relating to the month of January 2022, the elaboration of the industrial production indices is carried out on a calculation basis by adopting the chaining technique. The reference base, in line with the other economic indicators, is still the year 2015 (it will be changed to refer to the values of January 2024). The transition from the fixed base methodology to the mobile base methodology is consistent with what is suggested in the main methodological manuals. The innovations introduced concern: the change in the method of calculating the indices, the updating of the sample of companies used in the survey, the introduction of the new weighting system, the revision of the panel of survey products. The indices are calculated according to the Laspeyres formula using a weight structure updated annually. The indices, processed on the basis of calculation, are subsequently reported to the reference base. Previously these updates occurred every 5 years. The process adopts a revision policy for data release, which was modified when the chain basis was adopted The monthly survey on industrial production is carried out directly among a panel of almost 5,400 companies that communicate data relating to just under 9,500 monthly production flows, generally defined in terms of physical quantities. In addition to these data, other statistical sources are used to estimate the production trends of specific industrial sectors. Among them are: the survey on livestock slaughtered for red and white meat conducted by Istat; information from the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy (MIMIT, former Ministry of Economic Development) for gas distribution; the electricity production data collected by TERNA (National Electricity Network). More information on the chaining methodology and review policy can be found in the three published process briefing notes • 20 March 2024 ( • 14 March 2023 ( • 19 March 2022 (
Eurostat type of process classification Price and other economic index process
First production year 1928
Questionnaire Mod. ISTAT - Prodmens since 31/01/2007
Replacing [S] - Iron and steel production