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It includes the list of Istat primary surveys with questionnaire image available in SIQual.
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[S] - Administrative dispute resolution proceedings - Tar (Regional administrative court)
[S] - Adult Education Survey (AES)
[S] - Anthropic pressure and natural risks
[S] - Balance sheet of public and private bodies/institutions
[S] - Business confidence survey in Construction
[S] - Business confidence survey in retail trade
[S] - Business confidence survey in Services
[S] - Business confidence survey in the manufacturing sector
[S] - Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
[S] - Census of University graduates
[S] - Closed bankruptcies
[S] - Community innovation survey
[S] - Consumer Confidence Survey
[S] - Consumer price territorial data collection
[S] - Consumer prices for Purchasing Power Parities (PPP)
[S] - Council of Administrative Justice of Sicily Region
[S] - Council of State - balance of proceedings related to administrative disputes
[S] - Deaths of resident population
[S] - Dispatch/arrival of goods with EU Countries (Intrastat System)
[S] - Economic outcomes of agricultural holdings
[S] - Establishment survey - Business Census
[S] - Establishment survey - Non profit Institutions Census
[S] - Establishment survey - Public Institutions Census
[S] - Estimate of crop, flower and pot plant production and area
[S] - Estimate of livestock population and of milk and wool production
[S] - European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)
[S] - European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
[S] - Final balance sheet of autonomous regions and provinces
[S] - Final balance sheet of social security funds
[S] - Final balance sheet of universities
[S] - Final balance sheets of agencies for the right to university study
[S] - Gender role stereotypes and the social image of violence
[S] - General Census of Agriculture
[S] - General Census of Industry and Services
[S] - General Population and Housing Censuses
[S] - Graduates vocational integration
[S] - Hotels
[S] - Household Budget Survey
[S] - Household Budget Survey (1997-2013)
[S] - Household energy consumption
[S] - Indagine su bambini e ragazzi: comportamenti, atteggiamenti e progetti futuri
[S] - Indagine sugli alunni con patologie croniche e sulla somministrazione di farmaci a scuola
[S] - International Sourcing
[S] - Labour cost survey
[S] - Labour force survey
[S] - Library survey
[S] - Live births registered in the population register
[S] - Livestock statistics on bovine, pigs, sheep and goats
[S] - Maritime transport
[S] - Marriage dissolution and termination of marriage civil effects (divorces)
[S] - Marriages
[S] - Meteo-climatic and hydrological survey
[S] - Migration and calculation of foreign resident population and structure by citizenship
[S] - Migration and calculation of monthly resident population
[S] - Migration and calculation of yearly resident population
[S] - Minors reported for crimes
[S] - Monthly statistics on slaughtered livestock
[S] - Monthly statistics on slaughtered poultry
[S] - Monthly survey on construction costs of residential buildings
[S] - Monthly survey on employment, working time, earnings and labour cost in large enterprises
[S] - Monthly survey on industrial production
[S] - Monthly survey on iron and steel industry ouput
[S] - Monthly survey on labour disputes
[S] - Monthly survey on milk and dairy products
[S] - Monthly survey on producer prices for industrial products sold on the domestic market
[S] - Monthly survey on producer prices for industrial products sold on the external market
[S] - Monthly survey on retail sales
[S] - Monthly survey on sales
[S] - Monthly survey on sea fishery products caught outside Mediterranean sea
[S] - Multipurpose survey on families: family and social subjects
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: aspects of daily life - general part
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: citizens and leisure time
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: condition and social integration of foreign citizens
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: feedback survey on job routes under a gender perspective
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: health conditions and use of medical services
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: safety of citizens
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: safety of women
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: time use
[S] - Multipurpose survey on households: trips, holidays and daily life
[S] - Municipal monthly survey on events of civil status
[S] - Municipal resident foreign population by sex and year of birth
[S] - Occupancy in collective accomodation establishments
[S] - Opened bankruptcies
[S] - Permanent census of enterprises - Sample survey
[S] - Permanent census of population and housing
[S] - Permanent Census on public institutions
[S] - Permanent censuses of economic units - Sample survey on non profit institutions
[S] - Persons registered in and cancelled from the population register due to change of residence
[S] - PhD graduates census
[S] - PhD graduates vocational integration
[S] - Provisional estimate on enterprise value added
[S] - Quarterly labour force survey
[S] - Quarterly survey on industrial production (Prodcom) - Chemical products and manufacture of synthetic fibres
[S] - Quarterly survey on job vacancies and hours worked
[S] - Quarterly survey on services producer prices
[S] - Quick survey on building permits
[S] - Quick survey on hospital discharges
[S] - Quick survey on induced abortions
[S] - Quick survey on women discharged after miscarriage
[S] - Resident municipal population by age, sex and marital status
[S] - Residential health care facilities
[S] - Rilevazione di Informazioni, Dati e Documenti necessari alla Classificazione di Unitą Economiche nei settori istituzionali stabiliti dal SEC 2010
[S] - Rilevazione flussi intragruppo dei principali gruppi di imprese per l'implementazione dell'Action Plan SBS
[S] - Rilevazione sugli elementi identificativi, risorse e attivitą degli uffici di statistica del Sistan (Eup)
[S] - Rilevazione sulle catene globali del valore e sull'internazionalizzazione delle imprese (GVC)
[S] - Road freight transport
[S] - Sample survey on births
[S] - Sampling survey on coverage and quality of agricultural holdings frame prototype
[S] - Seed supply survey
[S] - Semi-super and supercentenarians survey
[S] - Separation of spouses
[S] - Small and medium enterprise survey -SME (including professional and artistic activities)
[S] - Social inclusion of people with functional limitations
[S] - Socio-educational services for infancy
[S] - Spatial Indices of consumer prices
[S] - Special trade extra EU import-export
[S] - Statistics by product (Prodcom)
[S] - Statistics on book production
[S] - Statistics on extreme poverty
[S] - Structural statistics on business services
[S] - Structure of Earnings Survey
[S] - Suicides and attempted suicides
[S] - Survey of the economic accounts of the enterprises including professional and artistic activities
[S] - Survey on prices of products sold by farmers
[S] - Survey on abroad foreign affiliates activities controlled by Italy (Outward Fats)
[S] - Survey on address numbers
[S] - Survey on afforestation, deforestation, forest restoration
[S] - Survey on agencies managing water services
[S] - Survey on agricultural holding structure and output
[S] - Survey on anti-violence center
[S] - Survey on aqueducts
[S] - Survey on building permits
[S] - Survey on building workers' welfare funds
[S] - Survey on Civil Partnerships
[S] - Survey on discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin
[S] - Survey on drinkable water supply networks
[S] - Survey on drinkable water supply, sewerage and cleaning survey
[S] - Survey on educational and professional routes of upper secondary graduates
[S] - Survey on enterprise accounting system
[S] - Survey on Enterprises Final Consumption of Energy Products (COEN)
[S] - Survey on felling surfaces and wood and not wood removals from forest
[S] - Survey on final balance sheet of public bodies/institutions: chambers of commerce
[S] - Survey on fishing in lakes and artificial basins
[S] - Survey on forecasting of some herbal crops sowing
[S] - Survey on fundations
[S] - Survey on hospital discharges after miscarriage
[S] - Survey on income and living conditions in immigrant families
[S] - Survey on induced abortions
[S] - Survey on information and communication technology in enterprises
[S] - Survey on information and communication technology in financial intermediation enterprises
[S] - Survey on information and communication technology in public administrations
[S] - Survey on integration of students with disability in private and public primary and lower secondary schools
[S] - Survey on labour, welfare and social security disputes
[S] - Survey on museums, monuments and similar institutions
[S] - Survey on notifications of infectious diseases
[S] - Survey on occupations
[S] - Survey on permanent crops
[S] - Survey on plant protection products provided for agricultural use
[S] - Survey on prices of products purchased by farmers for specific monthly indices
[S] - Survey on production and supply of complete and complementary feeding stuff
[S] - Survey on provincial wages and salaries of agricultural workers
[S] - Survey on quality products PDO, PGI and TSG
[S] - Survey on rail transport
[S] - Survey on R&D expenditure prediction of autonomous regions and provinces
[S] - Survey on reared worm-seed and produced silkworm cocoons
[S] - Survey on Research and Development in enterprises
[S] - Survey on Research and Development in non-profit private institutions
[S] - Survey on Research and Development in the public bodies/institutions
[S] - Survey on road accidents resulting in death or injury
[S] - Survey on rural tourism accommodations
[S] - Survey on sewerage networks
[S] - Survey on Shelter homes
[S] - Survey on social actions and services of single and associated municipalites
[S] - Survey on social cooperatives
[S] - Survey on social security - beneficiaries of disability, old age and survivor's pensions
[S] - Survey on telecommunication
[S] - Survey on the activities of foreign controlled enterprises resident in Italy
[S] - Survey on the supply of fertilizers for agricultural use (fertilizers, soil conditioners and improvers)
[S] - Survey on the use of plant protection products for crops
[S] - Survey on turnover in the services
[S] - Survey on urban waste water cleaning plants
[S] - Survey on vocational training in enterprises
[S] - Survey on voluntary organisations
[S] - Teacher research activities
[S] - Timber assortments' market prices at farm (forestry) level
[S] - Trips and holidays survey
[S] - Updating of the statistical register of economic units ASIA - Local units
[S] - Urban environmental data
[S] - Urban water census
[S] - Use of grape production
[S] - Vital statistics on causes of death
[S] - Welfare services and social actions of provincial authorities
[S] - Wildlife farms, restocking areas, wildlife sanctuaries, hunting
[S] - Yearly survey of livestock slaughtering
[S] - Yearly survey on milk and dairy products
[S] - Yearly survey on structural characteristics of iron and steel industry