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[S] - Monthly survey on employment, working time, earnings and labour cost in large enterprises
Observed phenomena (Phenomenum thesaurus)
since 31/03/2012
Job vacancy
since 31/01/2005
Part-time employment
Share of part-time employment on total employment
since 31/01/1996
Enterprise personnel costs
Labour cost includes gross wages, compulsory and voluntary social security contributions, benefits and allowances.
Hours not worked and paid
Hours worked
Number of hours (regular hours and overtime) worked by the employees.
Inward and outward occupational flows
Inward flow : number of hires in the reference month. Inflow caused by mergers and split-ups of enterprises are also considered. Outwa... [more]
Labour disputes: hours not worked by cause
Hours of strikes of the employees (excluding managers).
Short-time allowance
Hours covered by both ordinary and extraordinary short-time working allowance (Cig) performed by employees in the month
Working position as employees
number of employed persons (including managers) with an employment contract (full-time or part-time) at the end of the month.