ISTAT - Istituto Nazionale di Statistica
Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure Definition (ESMS_MSD 3.0 ESTAT)
Producer prices in industry
2020 - A0
1. Contact
1.1 Contact organisation
National Institute of Statistics (Istat)
1.2 Contact organisation unit

Directorate for Business Statistics (DCSE)

Division for Statistics on Production and Foreign Trade (SEB
1.3 Contact name
Emiliano Sibio
1.4 Contact person function
Survey manager
1.5 Contact mail address
Via Tuscolana, 1788 00173 Rome Italy
1.6 Contact email address
1.7 Contact phone number
Process manager telephone: +390646736028
1.8 Contact fax number
2. Metadata update
2.1 Metadata last certified
2.2 Metadata last posted
2.3 Metadata last update
3. Statistical presentation
3.1 Data description

“Prezzi alla Produzione” (Producer Price Index)
This index measures the average producer price development of industrial products sold on domestic and non-domestic market, at the initial stage of commercialization. The purpose of this index is to provide information on price dynamics over the business cycle.
It is also used in National Accounts as a deflator and for updating contracts in the private sector. 

3.2 Classification system

NACE Rev. 2.
For dissemination it is also used the MIGs breakdown (Main Industrial Groupings)

3.3 Coverage - sector

Activities covered: NACE Rev. 2 Sections B to E36 are covered by the output prices data. Indexes are not required for the following Groups or Classes of NACE Rev. 2: 07.21, 24.46, 25.4, 30.1, 30.3, 30.4 and 38.3.
Size classes covered: all enterprises

3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions

List and definition of variables: the list of products is made up of about one-thousand items (PRODCOM). 
Prices, about ten thousand price series, are collected by a list of 5570 enterprises. 
Planned changes in information collected: none
Accounting conventions: data are collected for products manufactured and sold on the domestic and non-domestic market. Reporting units are the industrial enterprises. By definition, prices are effective transaction prices surveyed on the day the orders are made (collected prices are registered at the moment of contract). Prices are ex-factory or warehouse, excluding taxes (VAT), customs duties or subsidies. Other sale conditions are defined by the most common contracts.  

3.5 Statistical unit

Reporting unit: Industrial enterprise.
Observation unit(s): Manufactured industrial enterprise's producer price

3.6 Statistical population
Target population corresponds to all enterprises of Section B to E36 of NACE.Rev2.
Total number of enterprises is about 390.000 enterprises
3.7 Reference area
Whole national territory
3.8 Coverage - Time
Date of first use as a source is 1981. Data are disseminated according to the NACE 2 classification at four digit level since January 2000
3.9 Base period
The base period is the month of December of the preceding year. The reference base is got by chain-linking. Since January 2018 the reference base is the year 2015. Before January 2018, all indices have been re-scaled to the reference base 2015
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
6.1 Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Legal basis:

National level: this is one of the compulsory surveys fixed every year by a Decree of the President of the Republic (D.P.R.).

European level:

Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics;

Council Regulation No 1165/1998 Council Regulation No 1165/1998 of 19 May 1998 Introducing short-term statistics at European level;

Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council 1158/2005 (Council Regulation No1158/2005) amending Regulation 1165/98 introducing the European sample schemes, industrial import prices, output prices for services and other changes.

Commission Regulation 1503/2006 (Commission Regulation 1503/2006) defining variables and frequency of data compilation, repealing new orders received for building construction and new orders received for civil engineering

Commission Regulation 656/2007 (Commission Regulation 656/2007 )   on the definition of main industrial groupings (MIGS) in NACE Rev. 2.

Commission Regulation 657/2007 (Commission Regulation 657/2007) implementing rules for the use of European sample schemes in STS

Commission Regulation 472/2008 (Commission Regulation 472/2008 ) introducing the new base year 2005 and the statistical classification of economic activities, NACE Rev. 2, into short-term statistics.

Commission Regulation 1178/2008 (Commission Regulation 1178/2008 ) introducing further adaptations for European sample schemes in relation to the new economic classification.

Commission Regulation 461/2012 ( Commission Regulation 461/2012) repealing industrial new orders Obligation on units to provide data: surveys are mandatory. Penalties are foreseen for non-response.

Planned changes in legal basis, obligation to respond and frame used: None


6.2 Institutional Mandate - data sharing
This indicator is part of official data shown at page and correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). Explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Italy has committed are published on
7. Confidentiality
7.1 Confidentiality - policy

Several national legal acts guarantee the confidentiality of data requested for statistical purposes. According to art. 9, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree n. 322 of 1989, personal data can only be disseminated in aggregate form, in order to make it impossible to identify individuals. The Personal Data Protection Code – introduced by the Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 – and Legislative Decree no. 101 of 10 September 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation) provide special rules concerning the processing of personal data for statistical purposes within the National Statistical System (Sistan). Further, in order to make statistical confidentiality and protection of personal data effective, Istat is currently taking appropriate organisational, logistical, methodological and statistical measures in accordance with internationally established standards.
Links to relevant legal acts on statistics are also listed on the website of Sistan (

7.2 Confidentiality - data treatment

Survey elementary data are treated as confidential. Aggregated data are disseminated in I.Stat 
Some variables can be transmitted to Eurostat as confidential when they are not disseminated in Italy

8. Release policy
8.1 Release calendar
Every year, in December Istat publishes a release calendar providing the precise release dates for the coming year. The calendar is distributed to the press and is available free of charge to interested parties
8.2 Release calendar access
The release calendar is disseminated on ISTAT's website:  Release calendar
8.3 Release policy - user access

Data are released simultaneously to all interested parties by issuing the press release "Prezzi alla produzione dell’industria e delle costruzioni" or "Prezzi alla produzione dell’industria, delle costruzioni e dei servizi" Eurostat receive embargoed data in advance of its publishing date. No pre-release access. The press release (Italian version and short English version) is subsequently posted on the Istat’s website ( 
Data are also sent to Eurostat according to required standards by EDAMIS using SDMX format. Eurostat receive embargoed data in advance of its publishing date. Data are transmitted once per month: provisional data for the month t-1 and final data for the month t-2.
The short-term information is also used for quarterly and annual National Accounts.

9. Frequency of dissemination

10. Accessibility and clarity
10.1 Dissemination format - News release

A monthly press release "Prezzi alla produzione dell’industria delle e costruzioni”, or "Prezzi alla produzione dell’industria, delle costruzioni e dei servizi" including a breakdown for domestic market, non-domestic market and total. A quarterly release"Prezzi alla produzione dell’industria, delle costruzioni e dei servizi including a breakdown for domestic market, non-domestic market and total Prices/Archive

10.2 Dissemination format - Publications
Indices are published in the “Annuario Statistico Italiano” (ASI) -Italian Statistical Yearbook – Chapter 16 Annuario Statistico Italiano/Prezzi
10.3 Dissemination format - online database

Data are disseminated in I.Stat database (I.Stat), theme Prices, sub-theme Production prices, dataset Producer price index for industrial products - monthly data. 
The on-line database I.Stat is open and free, statistics are organised by theme in a two-level hierarchical tree. Data are presented in aggregate form in multidimensional tables; acting on variables, reference periods and the arrangement of heads and sides users can create custom tables and graphs. Datasets can be searched by keyword, theme and region.
A wide range of standard metadata facilitates the retrieval and understanding of statistics by users. More information available in the User Guide User Guide

10.4 Dissemination format - microdata access

Before data dissemination, validated microdata are stored in the repository of the Institute, ARMIDA.
The repository ARMIDA (Archive of validated microdata) was established with the main objective of preserving and documenting the data produced by Istat surveys, and has subsequently supported the objective of disseminating data. The data archived in ARMIDA supplies, in fact, the different channels for the dissemination of microdata (for internal use at the Institute through the "Memorandum of access to microdata of ARMIDA "internal users", for authorities in Sistan, for research files, for standard files, etc.).

10.5 Dissemination format - other

This index is also one of the 'Principal European Economic Indicators (PEEIs)'

The series of the updated final indices are also published on Istat’s web database Rivaluta (in which price indices – consumer prices, producer prices and contruction costs indices are stored). This software is aimed to certificate price indices rates of change over a period of time selected by users
10.6 Documentation on methodology

A short description of the methodology and characteristics of the survey is contained in the technical explanatory note attached to the press release updated regularly.
A more detailed description of methodology and sources used in preparing statistics is contained in the Information System for Survey Documentation and Quality Control (Siqual); it is available on Istat's.
website SIQUAL. This system manages qualitative information related to each single phase of a survey's production process (Process description)

10.7 Quality management - documentation

More information about procedures applied for quality management and quality assessment in the document "Quality Guidelines For Statistical Processes" - December 2012

Quality Guidelines for statistical Process - December 2012
11. Quality management
11.1 Quality assurance

Essential points of Istat quality policy are: process quality, product quality, documentation, respect for respondents, strengthening of statistical literacy, users' orientation.
For more details: Quality Guidelines For Statistical Processes" - December 2012

11.2 Quality management - assessment
In 2010 this survey was submitted to an audit on quality in a testing phase
12. Relevance
12.1 Relevance - User Needs

Main users of producer price index are:

  • Institutions: government departments, ECB, national central bank, international organisations, etc.
  • Social actors: employers' organizations, trade unions, lobby groups, etc. 
  • Media 
  • Researchers & students 
  • Enterprises/businesses 
  • Internal users
  • Eurostat
12.2 Relevance - User Satisfaction
Not available
12.3 Completeness
Eurostat's requirements in terms of time series are fulfilled
13. Accuracy
13.1 Accuracy - overall
The samples are designed with the cut-off method and therefore sampling errors cannot be measured. Non-sampling errors are reduced or eliminated in the collection phase both using an electronic questionnaire that helps debugging and aiming at an increase of the response rate of enterprises
13.2 Sampling error
Not applicable, it is not possible to compute sampling errors because a non-probability sampling method (cut-off) is used
13.3 Non-sampling error

The response rate of first estimate is about 96% for Domestic market and 94% for Non Domestic market
The response rate of definitive estimate is about 97% for Domestic market and 95% for Non Domestic market
Reminders are sent to non-respondents and follow-up operation are carried out.

14. Timeliness and punctuality
14.1 Timeliness
When firstly released (about 28 days after the end of the referring period), data are provisional. Revisions and further collected data lead to final indices. These operations take 15 days after releasing provisional data
14.2 Punctuality
All releases delivered according to the timetable
15. Coherence and comparability
15.1 Comparability - geographical
Not applicable, only national level.
15.2 Comparability - over time
Time series are available on I.Stat since January 2000 (I.Stat).
15.3 Coherence - cross domain
Not available
15.4 Coherence - internal
PPI is a system of five variables, algebraically coherent; three of them are surveyed (domestic market, non-domestic market euro zone, non-domestic market non euro zone). The other two variables are compiled as weighted arithmetic mean of the surveyed ones. In particular, total non-domestic market is a weighted arithmetic mean of euro and non- euro zone; the overall variable is a weighted mean of domestic market and total non-domestic market. Further, each variable is computed as weighted average mean (Laspeyres type index) of sub-indexes, therefore internal coherence is straightforward. Moreover the coherence is achieved annually updating weights (indexes are annually chain linked).
16. Cost and Burden

The cost estimate is compiled in terms of total number of hours worked (THW). It is equal to the product of three terms: (total) Annual Working Days (AWD), (total) Hours Worked per Day (HWD), Number of Persons involved in the Survey (NPS).





Cost estimate (THW)






The burden estimate is compiled in terms of total number of minutes (TNM) taken to fill in the (web) questionnaire. The burden is applied to respondent, i.e. the person who fills in the questionnaire on behalf of the enterprise. To estimate it, two elements have been taken into account. The former distinguishes between beginner and expert respondent, to point out respectively the person who fills in the web questionnaire for the first time and the one who is familiar with filling in the form. The latter, closely concerns the information that have to be monthly provided. On average, by combining these two elements, the time spent to fill in the questionnaire (just the burden) is estimated in terms of total number of minutes between a minimum and a maximum threshold.

Type of Respondent

Burden estimate (TNM)


15 min. ≤ burden ≤ 30 min.


5 min. ≤ burden ≤ 10 min.

17. Data revision
17.1 Data revision - policy

Monthly, provisional and final data are disseminated as indices. Data concerning the current month are provisional while data referring to the previous months are final. 
Major changes in methodology are announced in ad hoc publications. Annually, the base period is updated Time series indices are available in the online database. Nota_Informativa_PPI_31marzo2020 
Advance notification of methodological changes is also provided through seminars and papers disseminated throughout the scientific community. The same revision policy is applied nationally and in transmissions to Eurostat

17.2 Data revision - practice

At present time, Producer price indices are not revised and seasonal adjusted. Data are firstly released as “provisional” (30 days after the end of the reference period) and subsequently as “final” (45 days after the end of the reference period). The distance between provisional and final data allows to increase the response rate, allowing revisions too (if any).The Mean Absolute Revision (MAR), Mean Revision (MR) and RMAR (Relative Mean Absolute Revision) are compiled for totals (and MIGs breakdown). These indicators refer to 36 monthly data from 2018 to 2020; indices are released in the reference base 2015=100. The indicators refer to the Domestic market.


Main Industrial Groupings (MIG) RMA RMAR RM
Consumer goods 0,030556 0,000008 -0,002778
Durable 0,044444 0,000012 -0,011111
Non- durable 0,022222 0,000006 0,000000
Capital goods 0,022222 0,000006 0,005556
Intermediate Goods 0,013889 0,000004 0,002778
Energy 0,313889 0,000086 0,158333
Total 0,097222 0,000026 0,052778
18. Statistical processing
18.1 Source data

Data are collected through a statistical survey. The PRODCOM annual survey and the annual Survey on Enterprises accounts are used as frame. The survey is conducted on the basis of a sample (based on a non-probabilistic design). The sample is drawn by quotas, calculated in order to guarantee a sufficient coverage in terms of turnover. The sample of products and the list of enterprises are updated every year.

18.2 Frequency of data collection
18.3 Data collection
Self-administered data collection via electronic transmission, data are collected through a web portal called Portale Imprese ondents need to login for insert data in the web questionnaire
18.4 Data validation

Data validation is carried out on:

  • Prices, by a guided and checked data-entry procedures that allows to eliminate the incompleteness errors that could occur during the recording phases and to identify the outlier prices (filtering method);
  • Trend of indices by comparison between the percentage change on previous month, the percentage change on corresponding month of previous year and a similar product index;
non-response data (prices) are estimated
18.5 Data compilation

PPI are a system of Laspeyres chain-linked type indices Indices compilation is carried out through three main steps:

  1. firstly, by calculating price relatives, i.e. ratios between the surveyed price at time (y,m) and that of the base period (the month of December of the preceding tear) pointed out as (y,0) or (y-1,12);
  2. price relatives are aggregated by simple geometric mean in order to derive the elementary product index;
  3. Laspeyres indices are compiled by grouping product indices at Class level (4-digit of the NACE Rev. 2) up to the overall index.
Adjustments for quality changes: when a price variation is due to a change in price determining characteristics, a quality change occurs; the overlap algorithm is applied to link old and new price.
New price quotations are introduced only when the index base is updated
Seasonal items: the most recent price collected is held constant until new prices are reported for the same season.
Method of weighting and chaining: The weights system is defined at national level. For the higher aggregation level (from the 4-digit level upwards) the weighting coefficients are determined on the basis of (billed) domestic sales of own-produced manufacturing products according to the Survey on “Enterprises Accounting Systems” (the main annual SBS survey). For lower levels, the PRODCOM survey is used.
Seasonally adjusted indices are planned to be added to the raw indices
18.6 Adjustment
Seasonally adjusted indices are not yet calculated
19. Comment